While you are earning your degree, you can apply for an apprenticeship. This will without a doubt help you out a lot in the future. Keep in mind though, that an apprenticeship for hospitality jobs is not going to pay very much. You will more than likely work some very long hours, and you will probably not even be acknowledged, but in the end this will pay off. When you graduate you will have the experience you need, and more employers will be willing to hire you.
Aside from the skills you learn on the job, there are some skills that simply cannot be taught which are absolutely necessary for internship jobs. For instance you will need good people skills, which is precisely what hospitality management jobs are really all about. How well you can interact with people will ultimately determine how long you actually stay in said job. In addition to that you have to be flexible, as hospitality jobs will often involve long hours. Sometimes you might not even work the same hours, which can become very frustrating for many people.
In addition to that the nature of your job might constantly change, meaning you have to be quite ready for it. If you are looking for a fast paced, constantly changing job then you have two choices. You can either be a fisherman or a project manager. Either way you're going to get your wish. But as with any job, this is one where you will find a time that you simply want to give up. The question of course is whether or not you will.
If you believe that you are going to fail, then the best thing you could do is find a role model. This will typically be someone who has been in the business for some time and knows what it is that they are doing. Such people might be hard to get in touch with, but once you do you'll be glad that you made the extra effort. Such a person could be a mentor to you in your darkest times, and that might be the push you need to get yourself into hospitality management jobs.
Get the degree and start filling out applications. If this is your dream job then you will no doubt find some way to achieve it. All you need to do is persist.