If you are more interested in event planning jobs, it might be that a marketing account planner would be in charge of hosted party plan programs to sell products, for example. Other examples would be those that put on seminars in hopes of selling a book or instructional video and DVD program. Event planning jobs involve dealing with venues where you will be holding the events and possibly dealing with catering companies or catering departments of hotels where an event might be held.
Those that are in this end of marketing account planning tend to enjoy the details that go into launching a product or hosting potential clients. You have to keep in mind that the event is planned as a means for marketing and selling a company's product, so you need to keep marketing and sales in mind when planning. A company's image also can be dependent on the success of the events so it helps to have some creativity and to be detail oriented, besides using a marketing philosophy.
For other planning jobs, a marketing account planner might be the strategist that gathers the marketing demographics for potential product sales and sometimes, travel might be required. Many planning jobs involve heavy research using the Internet, so it helps to understand some of the ways to solicit customers, gather information and promote the products with marketing techniques that are geared towards this audience.
What this means is that a marketing account planner might need to understand how to use keywords, search engine optimization and other tools for Internet marketing promotions. If you are involved in this end of marketing, chances are that you will have some input with website development, promotional materials and other ways to market and sell the company's product using the Internet.
A marketing account planner is a job category that is expected to have a 12% growth rate in this decade, based on Labor Department statistics. The reason for this is that companies will need to be more innovative in their ways to market products and increase sales. This is especially true because of the global competition that the Internet provides. Having a working knowledge in global marketing with the Internet can be helpful if your company's product is suitable for a larger audience.
Regardless, a marketing account planner can involve a number of methods to gather marketing data and assist in a company's marketing direction and marketing plan for their products. Many people that enter this field are gifted in creativity, have an outgoing personality and have talents in marketing strategies that combine these characteristics. As long as a company needs to make sales, a marketing account planner should be a stable employment option.